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Website Discovery Engines

Website discovery engines help turn ordinary internet surfing into big wave internet surfing.

Ordinary internet surfing involves typing keywords into a search engine, examining a list of search results, clicking on a link to an interesting website, clicking on links within a website, then returning to the search engine to start over again.

Website discovery engines make big wave internet surfing possible because they act like ocean surfers on jet skis who tow in their fellow surfers to bigger waves that they might not have been able to catch on their own. In other words, they help internet surfers catch digital waves that they might not have been able to discover on their own.

Website discovery engine can be distinguished by their engine designs. There are three major designs: random display, similarity search, and web directory.

Random display engines randomly display websites based on an internet surfer's profile or selected topic categories. Similarity search engines rely on an algorithm to determine how similar in content and purpose multiple websites are and then displays them on search results pages in response to web addresses entered as search queries. Web directories simply categorize websites according to their content or purpose and allow internet surfers to quickly scan lists of them.

All of these engine designs are represented in the list of website discovery engines below.





Random Website Machine

Random Website Machine











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